ITEP (International Test of English Proficiency)


One of the top exams to test your English proficiency is ITEP, or International Test of English Proficiency. The test features data mapping, matriculation services, home self-diagnostic tests, and more.

Taking the test multiple times can serve as a measuring stick for English proficiency. The test-taker can determine their strengths and how they can improve on any weaknesses. The exam is accurate and results can be determined within 24 hours. Afterwards, you will get a detailed virtual score report. They include individual assessment of linguistic sub-skills and are aligned with their perspective CEFR (Common Europeon Framework for Language) range.

There are several ITEP exams that come in varying degrees of difficulty. They can be adapted to fit your needs during difference phases of your education. The test itself doesn’t last more than 90 minutes and can be as short as 30 minutes.

If interested in taking the exam, contact us for available dates and time or more information.

2 Different Versions of ITEP Academic

ITEP Academic-Core

ITEP Academic-Core assesses grammar, listening, and reading, and is 50 minutes in length, with an additional 10 minutes for pre-test preparation.

ITEP Academic-Plus

ITEP Academic-Plus assesses all three Academic-Core skills plus writing and speaking, and is 80 minutes in length, with an additional 10 minutes for pre-test preparation.